From the editor
En Français
Il semble que certains d'entre vous voient Facebook comme une extension du site Lifelines, comme on peut le constater par la re-publication de contenu Lifelines dans divers groupes Facebook. À la suite de cela, nous avons décidé avec regret de supprimer toutes les informations supplémentaires et des photos des pages accesible générales libres sur Lifelines. A partir de maintenant des informations et des photos supplémentaires ne seront disponibles que dans la zone des donateurs.
In English
It seems that some of you see Facebook as an extension of the Lifelines website, as can be witnessed by the re-posting of Lifelines content in various Facebook groups. As a result of this, we regretfully have decided to remove all extra information and photos from the free general accesible pages on Lifelines. From now on extra information and photos will only be available in the donors area.

In English
It seems that some of you see Facebook as an extension of the Lifelines website, as can be witnessed by the re-posting of Lifelines content in various Facebook groups. As a result of this, we regretfully have decided to remove all extra information and photos from the free general accesible pages on Lifelines. From now on extra information and photos will only be available in the donors area.